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Data Trader

A mod which adds a new trader to the game.

Defining the trades

File structure

The trader can receive an ID for a merchant offers "recipe". This is a list of single merchant offers. An example file could look like this:

  "Recipes": [
      "buy": {
        "item": "minecraft:diamond",
        "count": 3
      "buyB": {
        "item": "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe"
      "sell": {
        "item": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",
        "nbt": "{Damage:0,Enchantments:[{id:\"minecraft:efficiency\",lvl:2},{id:\"minecraft:unbreaking\", lvl:10}]}"
      "uses": 10,
      "maxUses": 50,
      "rewardExp": false,
      "xp": 0,
      "priceMultiplier": 0.0,
      "specialPrice": 0,
      "demand": 0
  • This example includes only one merchant offer. The trader will sell the item in sell.
  • The player needs to provide the item in buy and buyB to receive the item. maxUses is the amount of times the player can use this trade before the trader needs to restock.
  • If rewardExp is true, the player will receive 3 to 6 xp points for each trade. xp if the amount of xp the trader receives. Since it's not leveling, it's useless here.
  • The priceMultiplier calculates the price for the item count in buy.
  • The specialPriceDiff could increase or decrease it.
  • The demand will also calculate the price for the item count in buy.

The following values are required:

  • buy
  • sell

The default values are:

Name Default value
buyB Air
uses 0
maxUses 4
rewardExp false
xp 0
priceMultiplier 0.0
specialPrice 0
demand 0

Where to put it in?

You use a data pack to provide these files. These are located at <modid>/merchant_offers/. An example can be found here.

How to use?

You spawn the trader using the /summon command, or by using the spawn egg. After this, you use the command /datatrader setOffer @e <modid>:<path> to set the recipe. This can also be done by datapacks. For a normal trader, I recommend setting NoAI to true.

Last update: May 25, 2023